Many students, teachers, and parents worry about the switch to remote learning; it’s a valid concern to have, as we weren’t exposed to this new normal until recently.
With these new changes, students might be experiencing different situations at home, teachers may be struggling to adjust to remote teaching, and parents may be worried that they aren’t providing the best learning environment for their children. However, we should be encouraged that we are all experiencing this together and finding ways to succeed amid these changes. We want to share some tips for you and your ELL students to improve the remote learning experience.
1. Understand the student’s situation at home
Students’ home circumstances may be factors in their learning experience. Slow internet, outdated computers, difficulty understanding new remote learning platforms, and new schedules and expectations all influence how students learn remotely. By asking about their home learning situation, you can be more flexible in your teaching and accommodations. Students with adequate home learning situations will be more likely to succeed in class and prepare for their future.
2. Provide knowledge and expertise as an ELL/languages educator
ELL educators often have to be resourceful and creative in supporting students, collaborating, and designing their lessons and materials. Ensure that your resources are accessible on any online platform so that your students can best take advantage of your additional support. Resources that native to the classroom and are able to be transformed into an online resource are best for students, as they will resonate with elements they already know and understand.
3. Communicate the end goal of any assignment, test, or subject through the new formats correctly
With the new learning format, you can leave messages, prepare reunions, use a calendar for assignments, and various other things so your students receive all the information they require for an assignment—anywhere and anytime.
Try your best to utilize all the resources that are available to you and don’t fret. Soon enough, everyone will have the practice and knowledge to succeed in the virtual classroom.