Procrastination tends to delay an activity under one’s control to the last possible minute or even not perform it at all. It is a common trait, and it has a place ieveryday behaviors. Many studies link procrastination to personal traits, such as lack of motivation, lack of self-regulation, perfectionism, disorganization, and poor time management. 


For this tendency, there has been a recent concept of time management taking place to make the learning experience, work, and jobrelated matters a more bearable and organized element of everyday life for each individual. 


The concept of time management is generally defined in terms of clusters of behaviors that eases productivity and alleviate stress. 


How can we make this situation better by using time management skills and behaviors that we don’t know? You might ask. Here, we present you some tips that can accommodate your circumstance and serve as a guide to do your job, study sessions, and anything in between, a better experience. 


1.Set goals correctly 

It does not matter if you have 2 or 10 tasks to do for the day. The best way to tackle them is to prioritize tasks based on importance and urgency. Please make a list of your tasks for the day and catalog them based on the mentioned traits: important/urgent, important/not criticalurgent but not as important and not urgent and not as important. 



Setting a timer to work on the different tasks you have to do not only helps you concentrate more on the completion of that matter but also on checking the resolution of any problem brought by that task that might arise during the time you’re giving it to be worked on. 


3.Take breaks 

Breaks are important not only for your physical condition, but also, to keep you mentally fresh so you can learn and produce more good work. When you don’t give yourself a break, you will see with the passing of time that the stress will accumulate, your attention will dissipate and you will end up unmotivated to continue working. Consider taking a nap, going for a walk or meditate! 


4. Organization 

Nowadays, there are a lot of tools that can work as planners or calendars which can help you manage all the tasks you have in your plate. You can use this at your advantage to plan your routine daily, weekly monthly and even yearly! Select the best tool that works for you, being digital or manual.  


5. Do not over-tasks yourself 

Everything has a balance. Even organization. Sometimes when we plan our tasks and goals, we can end up creating tasks that are not essential or not needed. Determine correctly what is significant and what deserves your attention so you don’t end up overworking yourself. 


6. Plan Ahead 

Make sure to start your days with a clear idea of what you’re going to do. Group tasks that are related to each other so you don’t go around jumping from one to another; make sure to work on a timely matter so if there’s any unexpected and urgent tasks designated to you, you can do so without so much of a fuss around it. 


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