Support AC Global Learning
Online giving is a straightforward, secure way to invest in AC Global Learning students’ futures. Your generosity enables our students to do what they do best: pursue learning, foster innovation, and be the leadership of tomorrow. If you would like to make a gift on behalf of a company, please call 281-313-7700

Planned Giving
Planned gifts are central to the success of AC Global Learning’s Fund for Success Campaign and to securing long-term strength for our academic future. By planning your gift to AC Global Learning, you can make a meaningful contribution to the Fund for Success Campaign while also strategically meeting your financial goals. Gifts may be designated to a department or program of your choice. Many donors make gifts to the AC Global Learning’s Fund for Success, allowing us to apply the funds where the need is greatest. Others designate their gifts to a program or purpose that holds special meaning for them. What’s more, many donors can double or even triple their gifts through company matching gift programs. Whatever your choice, your participation is important and will impact students’ lives. Immediate and deferred tax advantages as well as an increased income and effective rate of return are just a few of the ways you may benefit from a planned gift. As AC Global Learning rises to meet the challenges of a new century, your gift will create an enduring legacy of support that helps to fuel another era of remarkable discoveries and unparalleled educational opportunity. Explore the options below to discover the planned gift that is right for you.